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keeone’s ear to the ground
保持警觉  detail>>
have an ear to the ground
注意可能发生的事 注意着可能发生的事  detail>>
kean ear to the ground
保持高度警觉 及早发现那些即将会发生的事情的预兆 一耳贴地  detail>>
keean ear to the ground
一耳贴地(注意新动向)  detail>>
keep an ear to the ground
一耳贴地(注意新动向)  detail>>
to kean ear to the ground
在英文里也就是  detail>>
to keean ear to the ground
保持高度警觉  detail>>
keeone’s hair on
保持冷静  detail>>
keeone’s resolve
保持决心  detail>>
keeone’s life from danger
使某人的生命脱离危险  detail>>
keeone’s mobile phone off to
关掉手机  detail>>
keeone’s nose to the grindstone
不停地工作 埋头苦干  detail>>
keeone’s secrets to oneself
暗自保守秘密  detail>>
be in the ear
正在抽穗  detail>>
by ear
不用乐谱 凭记忆,不看乐谱 凭记忆,不看乐谱  detail>>
 n.  1.耳朵。 2.听觉;听力;倾听;注意。 3.耳状物〔指水罐、茶杯等的把儿〕。 4.报头两端刊登小广告、天气预报的地方。 ...  detail>>
in ear
条装  detail>>
in the ear
耳内式  detail>>